Elderly/ Caregiving/ Disability Solutions. Improve Independent Living Ability & Wellbeing

Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Worse at Night: 5 Tips on How to Reduce Pain and Sleep Better

Rheumatoid Arthritis (Ra) Pain Worse At Night

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a long-term condition, so cannot be cured. It can only be managed. To manage Rheumatoid Arthritis pain worse at night, look to your sleep routine for solutions. Keep your bedroom optimal for sleep – cool, quiet, and dark.

Also, to at least reduce late-night joint pain, you might want to take pain relief medication before you go to bed. Ask your doctor to recommend the right dose, so it works throughout your sleep cycle and not halfway through.

It can be hard to cope with the unpredictable nature of rheumatoid arthritis. Some days, the pain and stiffness can be a lot worse than others, and there’s no means of knowing when a flare-up will occur…

How To Look After Your Joints – 9 Ways to Prevent Pain

Prevent Joint Pain, How To Look After Your Joints

It’s vital to understand how to look after your joints; as an elderly person. That is because bones and joints’ care promotes flexibility and joint movements, which help prevent joint pain. Looking after your bones and joints also improves your balance. Better balance reduces the risk of falls, which could break bones.

Bones and joints care are also important. It helps prevent bone disease such as osteoporosis – which has no cure – and arthritis, which can be debilitatingly painful.

As you can see, understanding how to strengthen joints and how to improve your joint’s health naturally are important. To remain fit and healthy for long, it is quite important that you care for your joints as part of your daily routine. And today, we will highlight 9 vital points to note, to keep your joints as fit and healthy as they possibly can be.

Joint Pain and Mobility Disability: Everything to Reduce Pain and Increase Movement

Mobility Disability Joint Pain Relief

Severe joint pain or muscle pain – musculoskeletal pain – can reduce joint stability and lead to mobility disability. Your mobility can be affected by many things throughout life, from injury to long-term health conditions such as osteoarthritis or cerebral palsy.

If your mobility and range of motion are affected by pain, there are things you can do to help. Working with your doctor or physiotherapist can help you build a care plan of exercise and/ or medication.

Mobility exercises and exercise for disabled people help to improve your posture, range of motion and flexibility. At the same time, mobility devices and equipment for disabled people will further aid your mobility, where you currently struggle.

Those steps will fix your mobility problem or help you manage it, so it isn’t affecting your daily life.

This article expands on what joint mobility is and how it can be affected by certain health conditions; joint stability, flexibility and pain. As well as ways to relieve any pain you’re experiencing.

Choosing The Right Wheelchair to Meet Your Mobility Needs

The Right Wheelchair And Wheelchair Accessories To Meet Your Mobility Needs

With so many mobility wheelchairs on offer, it may be easy to get distracted from choosing the right wheelchair to meet your needs. So, we’ve put together 5 Buying Tips and Recommendations to guide you in your search. The First – and Most Important Factor – is to Determine your Mobility, Strength and Abilities. Do you have arms and […]

Daily Problems and Challenges of Using a Wheelchair

Daily Problems And Challenges Of Using A Wheelchair

The daily problems/ challenges of using a wheelchair, is mostly unrecognized by non-wheelchair users. I hope, by highlighting some of those challenges in this article, everyone becomes more aware of them. So we can all work together to create a safer and fairer world for ourselves, our families and communities. The problems include but are […]

The Challenges of Disability and Poor Mobility

When Poor Mobility And Disability Never Was … Understanding The Challenges Of Disability And Mobility

  Poor mobility, due to a disability or ageing is mostly something that happens at a definite point in time in our lives. Many people living with a disability now, used to be active, independent and full of life! And surely, most of our elderly or ageing seniors could also remember a time when skipping up the stairs 2 […]

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