Elderly/ Caregiving/ Disability Solutions. Improve Independent Living Ability & Wellbeing

Sleep Deprivation – Symptoms, Causes, Effects, Home Remedies and Treatments

Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation can be life-threatening, it can increase one’s risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and other serious conditions. Untreated sleep deprivation can negatively affect your health and affect your quality of life. Depending on the cause, treatment can be effective in preventing and treating sleep deprivation.

Getting enough sleep is a critical component of our health. Not only does it help you feel rested and energised, but it also improves your overall mental and physical functioning. Sleep deprivation is a common problem and can be caused by numerous factors, including personal obligations, work schedules, and chronic health problems…

Sleep Problems in Elderly: Trouble Sleeping? One Simple Solution to 5 Elderly Sleep Problems

Sleep Problems And Sleep Positioning

Trouble sleeping prevents complete muscle relaxation and healing that usually happen during sleep. As you well know, it can be quite difficult/ impossible to sleep when you’re in pain. That all leads to a vicious cycle of pain, preventing adequate sleep and poor sleep, contributing to pain and ill-health.

Sleep problems in elderly people can affect every area of one’s life and cause you to be less than healthy. Good sleep positioning can help ease or prevent problems in any of these areas – breathing, shoulder, heart, back/ lower back, and neck.

This post discusses one very simple way to prevent, or treat – or at the very least, ease – these five different problems causing you trouble sleeping…

Elderly Sleep: Importance, Problems, Remedies – Key Tips and Strategies for Restorative Sleep

Elderly Sleep, Sleep Deprivation, Inadequate Sleep, Sleep Hygiene For Elderly, Sleep Tips For Older Adults, Sleep Disturbance In Elderly, Excessive Sleep In Elderly

Sleep in the elderly may be the most critical aspect of the ageing process. A lack of sleep can contribute to the development of poor health habits, such as the development of obesity, increased stress levels, and decreased immune system function.

Some key tips and strategies can help make it easier for you, as an older adult or elderly person, to get adequate rest.

Today, we will look at the reasons why you might be suffering from a lack of sleep; and offer some solutions to help get those necessary hours of sleep…

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