Elderly/ Caregiving/ Disability Solutions. Improve Independent Living Ability & Wellbeing

The Cost of Living in the UK and How it’s Affecting People With Disabilities

Cost Of Living In Uk And How It'S Affecting People With Disabilities

The cost of living in UK is increasing at a rapid rate. Rising costs affect everyone, but disabled people are particularly affected by them.

Specialist equipment, therapies and accessible transport are often extremely expensive and make life difficult for people with disabilities. We also need to pay extra for petrol due to the lack of public transport. Even the benefits that we receive do not cover the costs.

The added costs often cause extreme hardship, particularly for people with complex disabilities…

Carer Controlled Wheelchair Power Pack: Achieve No-Push, Easier, Faster Wheelchair Movements

Carer Controlled Wheelchair Power Pack

A wheelchair power pack is an attachable set of battery-powered wheels that give your loved one’s wheelchair that extra-ordinary push you need to get across rugged terrain, slopes and such.

Wheelchair power packs are super-easy to use and can be attached to a standard carer/ attendant controlled wheelchair in seconds. They are controlled by a simple switch on the handlebars, which can be fitted to either side of the wheelchair.

There are three options for wheelchair power assist devices for carers/ caregivers…

Choosing The Right Wheelchair to Meet Your Mobility Needs

The Right Wheelchair And Wheelchair Accessories To Meet Your Mobility Needs

With so many mobility wheelchairs on offer, it may be easy to get distracted from choosing the right wheelchair to meet your needs. So, we’ve put together 5 Buying Tips and Recommendations to guide you in your search. The First – and Most Important Factor – is to Determine your Mobility, Strength and Abilities. Do you have arms and […]

Daily Problems and Challenges of Using a Wheelchair

Daily Problems And Challenges Of Using A Wheelchair

The daily problems/ challenges of using a wheelchair, is mostly unrecognized by non-wheelchair users. I hope, by highlighting some of those challenges in this article, everyone becomes more aware of them. So we can all work together to create a safer and fairer world for ourselves, our families and communities. The problems include but are […]

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